The Holly Springs School District is a part of a continuous statewide effort to identify, locate and evaluate children, birth through the age of twenty-one, who have a disability. Early identification of children in need of special education services is very important to each child's educational success.

This effort applies to, but is not limited to:

-  Highly mobile children, such as migrant and homeless children; 
-  Children who are not enrolled in school but who have not yet graduated 

-  Children who are wards of the State;
-  Children with disabilities who are enrolled by their parents in private or parochial elementary and secondary schools;
-  Children who are enrolled in public educational programs, such as Head Start;
-  Children who are suspected of having a disability and may be in need of special education, even though they are advancing from grade to grade; and
-  Children who are ages birth to three (3), including those receiving Part C services through the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) Early Intervention Programs            (EIP), known as First Steps.

Family members, physicians 
and educators as well as, representatives of various agencies such as the Health Department, Department of Mental Health, Head Start facilities, and day care centers may make referrals of in-school (public or private) or out of school children.

Individuals with information or referrals for a child residing in the Holly Springs School District should contact Karin Autry, Special Services Director by calling the district office at 662-252-2183; by completing the child find referral form and mailing or bringing to 840 HWY 178 E, Holly Springs, MS 38635 or by emailing at